Do You Wear Rain Boots Over Shoes – Tips On Wearing Rain Boots


5 Tips on How to Stylishly Wear Rain Boots.

Many decades ago, rain boots were worn as a practical item.

They were worn by outdoor laborers, such as farmers or woodworkers, and in rainy environments. They were used in construction, from buildings to railways.

And they were worn by explorers, and those navigating harsh and moist landscapes.

But today, rubber “rain boots” are more of an accessory time. People wear them as a fashion statement, instead of wearing them for practicality.

You might be one of those people. And if that’s true, keep reading. Because you need tips on how to sport this odd (and out of age) fashion item.

So below, we have 5 tips on how to stylishly wear rain boots!

(1) Combine Them with Casual Clothing.

Don’t wear rain boots with smart clothes. Avoid suits and dress shirts with rain boots, as they don’t match. Casual clothing works best. T-shirts, hoodies, and jeans are what to wear with rain boots.

This is a hard rule. You must follow it with rain boots at all times, and without exception.

(2) Make Sure they’re Large.

They should be a 1 size higher than your normal footwear. And this is for a vital reason…

Rain boots are made from rubber, which is a strong but slightly restrictive material. So you can’t stretch your toes, or let your foot breath properly in it.

With a size higher, you can wear the boots in comfort, while giving your foot the air it needs.

(3) Never Use Them with Shorts.

Rain boots aren’t designed for shorts. Only sandals and slippers are. After all, rain boots are a winter accessory, and to wear them with shorts is a serious mismatch.

(4) Wear the Boots With Jeans.

This point works with the 1st. Because jeans are a casual item, and they amplify that look well.

But also, jeans are a labor fabric, and they’re worn by laborer in rain boots. So they match aesthetically and historically.

But for fashion reasons, make sure you iron your jeans before putting them on. Also, make sure they cover your legs well, so that they’re not short.

(5) Tuck the Jeans into the Boots.

It’s an interesting look. And it’s one you can use when it’s raining outside.

This style works well, but only for loose fit jeans. Your jeans shouldn’t by skinny or tight, else they don’t work well with the boots. Not to mention, they don’t exactly look good on men.

This creates a fortified look, which is a unique fashion statement!

Different ways of wearing rain boots over shoes

Do you wear rain boots over shoes? Some say they should fit large so that you can wear them over your regular shoes.

• Wear rain boots with nice thick socks when running around on a rainy day.Wearing rain boots over shoes works with certain shoes in certain situations.
• Use galoshes (usually worn on regular shoes) whenever you want to wear rain boots over shoes, Otherwise, you need Hunter boots.
• You can wear rain boots over shoes and removed once you reached your destination. Few boots had an adequate lining for socks.
• Try wearing then over your tennis shoes. Basically this way just keeps your feet dry. I wonder how many size bigger the rain boots need to be to fit in your tennis shoes.

Click here for rain boots on Amazon.