Can You Wear Leather Boots In The Rain – Essential Things You Need To Know


Should You Wear Leather Shoes When It’s Raining?

Are you an owner of leather shoes? If yes, you might be wondering how leather interacts with water.

You might be questioning whether leather shoes stay well in water or not. And this is vital, especially during rainy seasons…

But you shouldn’t worry. Because this is what this article is for. Today, we’ll talk about wearing leather footwear in the rain, and how to maintain leather shoes in watery seasons!

Leather shoes can survive rain, assuming there isn’t excess exposure.

Below are 4 tips on maintaining leather shoes, especially boots. Follow them for leather footwear that lasts long.

1: Dry Shoes Fast and Meticulously.

If you get stuck in the rain, your best bet is to wait after you get back indoors. After you do, immediately proceed to dry your shoes, and do so meticulously.

You need to dry both the exterior, and especially the shoe’s interior. And to do so, you need to first protect the shoe’s shape, so that they fit well again on your foot (after cleaning).
To support the shoe’s shape, stick some newspaper inside the shoe. Then, lay the shoe on its side to slowly empty water contents, letting it dry well. This technique also lets you dry the bottom of the shoes properly.
Make sure the shoes aren’t set next to a heated item, like a fireplace. This leads to fast dryness, which can damage the leather.

2: Proper Storage.

Most leather shoes (professional ones) should never be used in heavy rain. During that time, you must store them right. Make sure they’re stored in a non-humid and comfortable environment, which helps avoid damage. Another option you can do is to wrap the shoes in a newspaper if you don’t them frequently. Also you can place soda bicarbonate powder or sachets of silica gel in the shoe cabinet in order to avoid moisture absorption by your leather shoes.

3: Combatting Mould.

It happens – and you need a remedy if mould builds up on leather.

However, note that the treatment shouldn’t use harsh chemicals.

Use a scrub to gently remove the mould from your leather shoes. You can also use an old toothbrush for that purpose.

While scrubbing, ensure there are no leftovers, even in the most hidden parts of the shoes. This’ll cause the mould to grow back again.

Finally, after scrubbing, give the shoes some breathing space. This should be in a dry environment.

4: Make Sure They Shine.

When you polish a shoe, you maintain its quality while giving it moisture protection. Not to mention, they look good and clean, which is what leather shoes were made for.

We recommend a leather conditioner as a way of oiling your shoes right. For that, use some cotton, then scrub your shoes gently, in a circular manner.

Click here for rain boots on Amazon.